The conference “Agricultural Economics to support farming” is the annual forum organized by the Institute of Agricultural Economics – Sofia, which is in the auspice of Agricultural Academy. The conference started as an international scientific and applied event since 2014 and the main purpose ...
This proceedings' volume includes papers presented in the “World Summit: Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Congress – CAUSummit 2024” in Antalya, Turkiye between 2 - 6 September 2024. All the missions of Congress were completed, and 42 of 97 submitted papers were published afte ...
We are in a time of rapid change on multiple levels. Change can be seen as positive by one group and negative by another. As a result, different perspectives on any given change can draw completely different conclusions. In these proceedings we want to address different approaches to change from all ...
Every year, IFTE gathers more and more participants from different countries, who present their research across various areas of teacher education. This turned the Forum into a large research community with one shared vision to make teacher education more effective, productive and modernized in the ...
The conference “Textbook: Focus on Students’ National Identity” (ISSN 2738-8425) held by Moscow City University to welcome school teachers, tutors, university professors and leading scholars from Russia regarded the issues of cultural identity against the new-globalization as well as encourage ...
For the first time in six years of the International Forum on Teacher Education (IFTE) (ISSN 2683-0647) existence leading scholars from Russia and foreign countries will meet not in person but online. The COVID-19 pandemic made people around the world recalibrate the schedule of international events ...
A new wave of activities on data mobilisation, data portals, and different sides of biodiversity informatics arose in Russia some 5 years ago. However, Russia remains still a massive gap in the open access global biodiversity systems. Nevertheless, some projects were successfully implemented to mob ...
This V International Forum on Teacher Education (IFTE) (ISSN 2683-0647) special edition presents a snapshot of the current state of the researches devoted to personal and professional development of teachers from around the world. The rapidly changing world entails a fundamental change in the missio ...
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