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ARPHA Proceedings 4 (2021)
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TSNI 2021 - Textbook: Focus on Students’ National Identity
Editors: Еlena Tareva, Tatiana Bokova
Conference ISSN:
Conference name: 
TSNI 2021 - Textbook: Focus on Students’ National Identity
Conference dates: 
April 20 - April 24 2021
Conference place: 
Moscow City University, Russia

The conference “Textbook: Focus on Students’ National Identity” (ISSN 2738-8425) held by Moscow City University to welcome school teachers, tutors, university professors and leading scholars from Russia regarded the issues of cultural identity against the new-globalization as well as encouraged the exchange of expertise in designing and employing textbooks in schools and universities to support students national and cultural identities and enhance their self-development. Another relevant issue to be tackled was digitalization of social interaction within the framework of modern world affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants regarded modern types of textbooks to meet today’s challenges and reveal their personality developing potential. Textbook was also viewed as a digital phenomenon in contrast with the traditional one to meet the demands of today’s The COVID-19 pandemic made people around the world recalibrate the schedule and format of international events, thus, the conference was held both in person and online via Microsoft Teams for the participants to choose the way are going to present their findings and not to be exposed to the risk of infection. Obviously, such challenges as the pandemic should not deprive researchers of the opportunity to discuss the issues important for education perspectives. On the contrary, the TSNI  was to give a new impetus to the development of education with the virtual realm as another platform for the effective exchange of ideas in the field of educational technologies, strengthening the cooperation in Russian researchers. 

The TSNI conference lasted from April, 20 till April, 24, 2021 and offered opportunities to more than 1142 participants to listen to the keynote speakers, take part in round tables, master-classes and workshops and join section discussions.

Editorial Board of the TSNI 2021 Conference:

  • Elena G. Tareva, Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Director of Institute of Foreign Languages (MCU, Moscow)
  • Larissa G. Vikulova, Doctor of Philology, professor, Deputy director of Institute of Foreign Languages (MCU, Moscow)
  • Tatiana N. Bokova, Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, professor of the Russian Academy of Education (MCU, Moscow)
  • Svetlana A. Gerasimova, PhD (Philology), docent (MCU, Moscow)
  • Ksenia M. Baranova, Doctor of Philology, professor (MCU, Moscow)
  • Oksana A. Malykh, PhD (Pedagogy), docent (MCU, Moscow)
  • Sofia L. Furmanova, PhD (Pedagogy), docent (MCU, Moscow)
  • Irina V. Makarova, Senior research fellow, docent (MCU, Moscow)
  • Olga I. Korolenko, PhD (Philology), assistant professor (MCU, Moscow)
  • Viktoria I. Morozova, PhD (Philology), assistant professor (MCU, Moscow)

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