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ARPHA Proceedings 5 (2022)
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VII International Forum on Teacher Education
Ilshat Gafurov, Tatiana Baklashova
Conference ISSN:
Conference name: 
IFTE 2021 - VII International Forum on Teacher Education
Conference dates: 
May 26-28, 2021
Conference place: 
Kazan Federal University, Russia

Every year, IFTE gathers more and more participants from different countries, who present their research across various areas of teacher education. This turned the Forum into a large research community with one shared vision to make teacher education more effective, productive and modernized in the world. We have always viewed the Forum as the scientific bridge which helps Russian and international scholars share their experience and best practices in the field of teacher education. This approach has become even more meaningful today when the world is living through the COVID-19 pandemic. New threats and challenges, that education systems face, have brought scientists from around the world closer together in search of ways to overcome emerging problems and provide high-quality, accessible education at all levels. It is particularly telling that the main theme of IFTE 2021, “Teacher Education: New Challenges and Goals”, shows our will to help resolve the difficulties that were not only brought by the pandemic but will also determine the course of development of education in the future. 

Editorial Board of the 7th IFTE Conference:

  • Ilshat R. Gafurov (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Ian Menter (UK), University of Oxford
  • Maria Teresa Tatto (USA), Arizona State University
  • Dina Birman (USA), University of Miami
  • Andreja Istenic Starcic (Slovenia), University of Primorska and the University of Ljubljana
  • Conor Galvin (Republic of Ireland), the University of Dublin
  • Vyara Gyurova (Bulgaria), Sofia University (St. Kliment Ohridski)
  • Nick Rushby (UK), Conation Technologies Limited
  • Aydar M. Kalimullin (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Roza A.Valeeva (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Venera G. Zakirova (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Anwar N. Khuziahmetov (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Shamil F. Sheimandarov (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Alfiya R. Masalimova (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Tatiana A. Baklashova (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Dinara K. Bisimbaeva (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Nataliia V. Lebedeva (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Ksenia A. Zavyalova (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Victoria V. Iskru (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Elena Yu. Semenova (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Elvira I. Fatkhulova (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Elvira G. Galimova (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Chulpan I. Nizamova (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Rinas R. Davletshin (Russia), Kazan Federal University
  • Alexander G. Bermous (Russia), Southern Federal University
  • Guyzel Sh. Zakirova (Russia), Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev-KAI
  • Tatiana N. Bokova (Russia), Moscow City University
  • Lyudmila V. Bayborodova (Russia), Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky
  • Irina D. Demakova (Russia), Moscow Pedagogical State University
  • Nina G. Lipkina (Russia), Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
  • Tatyana M. Tregubova (Russia), Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Issues, Russian Academy of Education
  • Julia N. Ziyatdinova (Russia), Kazan National Research Technological University

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