ARPHA Proceedings 5: 1533-1544, doi: 10.3897/ap.5.e1533
Advantages and Disadvantages of Hybrid Learning for International Students
expand article infoElena D. Shimkovich, Guzel F. Makhmutova, Darya A. Ivanova, Raisa D. Urunova
Open Access
Purpose of the study: to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using a hybrid learning format on the example of the contingent of international students in pre-university learning programs of the preparatory school for international students at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. In order to find out the views of foreign students about the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid learning format, as well as to assess the level of their adaptation to the distance learning system, a sociological survey was conducted among 144 students of the preparatory school for international students of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University studying in the 2020/2021 academic year. The results of the survey allow us to conclude that the majority of foreign students consider distance learning in general and the hybrid format, including, not completely acceptable for education in the Russian Federation. Most of them prefer to return to the traditional education system. At the same time, students declare their satisfaction with the work of teachers and positively assess the quality of knowledge gained during learning in a hybrid format. Of course, the use of distance learning elements can diversify the learning process of foreign citizens, but personal communication and direct interaction with teachers and classmates, immersion in the language environment, individual and team work in the classroom, as well as an objective and high-quality assessment of their activities by teachers are very important for international students.
distance education (learning), distance learning, hybrid learning format, foreign students, pre-university learning, pre-bachelor's degree, pre-specialty