ARPHA Proceedings 5: 1091-1102, doi: 10.3897/ap.5.e1091
“Digitalization of Education” in Science and Practice of Training a Teacher
expand article infoOksana A. Milkevich, Alexei V. Ryabtsev
Open Access
The intensive introduction of information and digital technologies into the educational practice, insufficient definition of the concept of “digitalization of education”, the priority areas of training teaching staff in the context of the changes in education determines the need for systemic understanding and study of the term “digitalization of education” as a scientific category and a challenge determining changes in the education system. The article presents the results of the theoretical and empirical research devoted to the problem of applying information and digital technologies in education. The essence of the concept of “digitalization of education” (phenomenon, process and instrument for achieving the goal of education) was formulated, which enriches the conceptual field of pedagogical science and determines a possibility of further system analysis of the components of digitalization of education and clarification of connected concepts (digital competence and its criteria, digital ethics).The description of the importance of digitalization for the education as a social institution, a system and a process reflects the results of the system analysis and serves as the basis for constructing the prospects for the development of education in the variety of its definitions. The results of the theoretical analysis and the survey carried out among students of higher education institutions made it possible to identify the skills of future and current teachers which are in demand in the context of digitalization (special communication, marketing, presentation skills; skills and experience of working with various programs and platforms and others).
information technology, digital technologies, digitalization of education, training of teaching staff