ARPHA Proceedings 5: 1033-1045, doi: 10.3897/ap.5.e1033
Transformation of the Content and Technologies of Training of Persons with Special Needs of Psychophysical Development in the Conditions of Modern Special Education
expand article infoNatalya V. Kryukovskaya, Tatyana V. Lisovskaya
Open Access
The article presents modern views on the education of people with special psychophysical development from the point of view of the formation of personal meanings and the absence of human capabilities limits on the basis of interdisciplinary research. Typical features of the modern transformation of the education of people with special features of psychophysical development are revealed. The article deals with the organization of early comprehensive care for children, the implementation of the educational process for students with special psychophysical development, as well as the process of providing assistance to the adult population. Much attention is paid to the implementation of practice-oriented education, which is based on the competence approach and involves the formation of students ' life competencies and provided by the level-variable training.The process of education of children with special needs of psychophysical development is considered from the point of view of the implementation of the ethno-cultural approach. The achievements of the scientific, methodological and educational support of the existing special education focus on the socialization of students, the assimilation of the typical experience inherent in the Belarusian people and the ability to use and reproduce it.As one of the ways to improve the quality of life and improve the content of teaching children with special needs of mental development, the authors suggest the organization of training based on the continuous formation of life competencies.Great importance is also given to the transformation of existing training technologies and content taking into account the needs of students with special psychophysical development. All technologies contain a health-saving component, taking into account a practice-oriented approach that ensures the formation of the necessary system of competencies. In the conditions of special education the full implementation of learning technologies is possible based on an interdisciplinary approach that ensures the modification and consistency of knowledge and achievements of various psychological, pedagogical and medical sciences.
people with special psychophysical development, diversification of the content of education, level-variant training, inclusive education, life needs, activity, competence-based training.