AbstractThe purpose of the research is to study and compare the opinions of teachers and students on DL in the studying process of foreign language. The analysis of the data obtained allows us to identify its strengths and weaknesses, both from the point of view of the organization of the educational process, and from the point of view of its methodological and pedagogical support, and understand how this experience can be used in further organization of online. Research methods. To collect analytical data, an online survey was conducted among about 70 students and the same number of teachers from universities in Central Russia. For the survey, universities were selected with both linguistic and non-linguistic training profiles. As part of the questionnaire, open-ended questions were provided, which made it possible to better know the opinion of the respondents. According to the data obtained, about 70% of students have a positive and even excellent attitude towards DL. Slightly more than 15% were negative about this. Disadvantages of DL: about 60% of teachers and students consider the lack of direct communication as a disadvantage of DL. About 70% of the surveyed categories are dissatisfied with the quality of communication. Results and recommendations: results of the research showed strong and weak sides of the organization of distant learning while its massive integration, in particular, at universities. Statistics that reflect students’ and teachers’ opinion about it, allowed to outline main strategies of its development in terms of foreign language learning in the absence of emergency.