ARPHA Proceedings 5: 825-835, doi: 10.3897/ap.5.e0825
Innovative Educational Activity of a Teacher as a Result of Working with Gifted Children
expand article infoFidaliya Khalikova, Adel Khalikov
Open Access
The article is devoted to the study of innovative educational activities of teachers as a result of working with gifted students. The national goal of the Russia until 2030 states that it is necessary to create all conditions for self-realization and disclosure of the talent of each student. It is necessary to keep in mind the fact that many students do not have possible potential (hidden) giftedness due to the lack of a built-up system for ensuring the effectiveness of working with gifted students to reveal the talent of each of them. The article focuses on identifying the" innovativeness " of teachers, on determining the possession of an emotional and evaluative attitude to innovations, as well as on innovative competence, which ensures the effectiveness of using the latest technologies while working with gifted students. The following research methods were used: analysis of special (psychological and pedagogical) literature; survey; observation. The research involved 50 teachers who took advanced training courses "Psychological and pedagogical technologies for working with gifted children". To identify the readiness of teachers for innovative pedagogical (educational) activities, a questionnaire consisting of 6 blocks was conducted.According to the results of the survey, the readiness (full and partial) of teachers working successfully with gifted students – participants of the survey for innovative pedagogical activities was established.
innovative educational activity, teacher, gifted student, readiness component, extensive innovation, intensive innovation