ARPHA Proceedings 5: 709-724, doi: 10.3897/ap.5.e0709
Cognitive University Teacher Readiness for Knowledge Management Empirical Research Findings
expand article infoDiana A. Kalmykova, Natalya V. Solovova, Natallia V. Sukhankina
Open Access
A distinctive feature of the society cognitive development stage is the emergence of collective intelligence and the production of economically competitive knowledge at higher education institutions. Modern educational process is similar to the knowledge management, and this turns the university teacher to an organizer, navigator and coordinator of a student's learning trajectory. Innovative pedagogical activity implies readiness of a university teacher for knowledge management in the course of pursuing his/her professional activities. The pilot study conducted at Samara University has revealed non-mature structural components of cognitive university teacher readiness for knowledge management (value-motivational, instrumental-digital, scientific-research, evaluation-analytical, interactive-communicative, and academic-and-business components), which may hinder the HEIs transition to "University 4.0" model. The article presents the findings of empirical research carried out to investigate the cognitive university teacher’s readiness for knowledge management, with due regard to comparative, correlation and factor analysis of the components that make up the readiness structural scheme. The sample includes 120 teachers and scholars. The goal of research study is to identify and strengthen the relations both between the components of readiness and between the dominant indicators of structural elements. The results shows that the pedagogical tools developed for forming readiness of a cognitive university teacher for knowledge management have a positive impact on their professional growth and innovative educator development.
cognitive university, knowledge management, 4.0 University model, system for formation of cognitive university teacher readiness for knowledge management.