ARPHA Proceedings 5: 659-674, doi: 10.3897/ap.5.e0659
Young teacher’s educational activity in improving professional competencies of the school staff
expand article infoNadezhda A. Ivanishcheva
Open Access
The purpose of the study is to analyze the experience of self-organization of the educational activity of a young teacher as a resource for improving the professional competencies of the school staff. The article conceptually presents a comparative analysis of scientific approaches to the concept of «educational activity» in foreign and Russian research practice. On the basis of generalization of sources, clarification and interpretation of formulations, a new approach to understanding educational activity is proposed for the professional readiness of a young teacher to improve the professional competencies of the teaching staff of a general education school. The author solves the urgent problem of improving the professional competencies of teaching staff with work experience who have not undergone special training for organizing the educational process in a distance format. Young teachers acted as advanced translators of online communication tools in the school pedagogical community. The article presents the results of an online survey of 170 young teachers from 30 general education organizations of the Volga Federal District using the Google Docs application. The undertaken research and the conclusions drawn based on its results expand the discourse on the national system of lifelong pedagogical education. It is emphasized that the educational activity of a young teacher allows you to design an individual trajectory of professional growth «in the workplace», to build relationships that create space for improving the professional competencies of colleagues.
educational activity, young teacher, professional competence, professional growth, continuing education, teaching staff.