ARPHA Proceedings 5: 621-633, doi: 10.3897/ap.5.e0621
Problems of integration of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students
expand article infoElena M. Ibragimova, Liliya T. Bakulina, Marat G. Ibragimov
Open Access
In the context of the total digitalization of the education system, free access to information, the development of distance and mixed forms of education, it is the integration of classroom and extracurricular work of students that allows creating conditions for the activation of creative activity of students, for stimulating their responsibility and hard work, as well as the intensification of informal interaction between students and teachers. In the innovative experience of higher education, there is a certain practice of integrating classroom and extracurricular independent work of students, which today requires deep analysis and systematization. The purpose of the study is to identify and systematize the main directions of integration of classroom and extracurricular work of students in modern higher education. Research methods that were applied are analysis and generalization of scientific and pedagogical literature on the problem, comparison, systematization. The results of the study. Depending on the degree of interrelation of the integrated structures, the following models of integration of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students are distinguished: traditional; the “flipped learning” model, which assumes the organization of traditional classroom and extracurricular independent work "on the contrary"; the project-research model, which assumes the implementation of a closed cycle of productive activities by students – from the idea, design to the implementation of the project and reflection. System integration is achieved through the use of an interconnected sequence of educational tasks: operational – as mini-projects of educational activity; tactical, corresponding to supra-situational activity – larger educational projects, where students can already set their own goals, actively apply their knowledge in various subjects in practice; strategic – tasks of the creative level, corresponding to the creative activity of the individual. Conclusions and recommendations. In the modern educational process, extracurricular independent work of students is increasingly acquiring the status of the main form of organizing learning process. Strengthening the role of independent work requires a new view on the integration of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students. Teachers should make greater use of the opportunities of educational-research projects and the "flipped classroom" technology as modern means and forms of convergence of classroom and extracurricular work of students. The results of the research can be used in the process of designing curricula, work programs of disciplines, individual forms of organizing independent classroom and extracurricular work of students.
independent work, integration, classroom individual work, extracurricular work.