ARPHA Proceedings 4: 1114-1126, doi: 10.3897/ap.e4.e1114
Building learners’ academic autonomy based on textbook series for studying German «Im Klartext A2»
expand article infoEvgenia A. Zimina, Julia E. Mueller, Olga V. Printsipalova
Open Access
Cardinal transformation in the education system transfers the mode of education participants to a higher level of a learner’s individual responsibility for the academic results. In this respect, academic autonomy has a special significance together with its realization in the education system and its relevance for textbook series. The article gives the structure and content analysis of «Im Klartext A2» as a new generation educational kit. The purpose is to single out components for a learner’s independent work to form academic autonomy skills. To perform the research content and structure analysis methods were applied as well as a classifying one. The result of the research is defining the task types possible to exploit as part of learners’ individual class work. Most exercises and tasks from the workbook are to do as home task, their correctness is checked by keys. The workbook also contains tests with keys and a self-assessment scheme, which encourages development of self-assessment and reflection skills. The curriculum aimed at pronunciation, auditive and speech skills development is duplicated on the multimedia education platform ed.mgimo and enables learners to portion the material for revision and mastering skills by themselves, which leads to individualization of studies. The research data and results may be taken as a starting point of present textbooks and educational kits’ analysis to take out the components possible to use as learners’ independent work and, further on, to heed in the new educational training kit concept.
German as foreign language; textbooks; learner autonomy