ARPHA Proceedings 4: 984-994, doi: 10.3897/ap.e4.e0984
New Type of University Textbook: Teaching Linguistic Research Fundamentals in Post-COVID Research Space
expand article infoIrina V. Tivyaeva, Olga A. Suleimanova, Marina A. Fomina
Open Access
As the COVID-19 crisis was still gaining its momentum in early 2020, it became increasingly clear that the world would never go back to its normal and striving for a positive outcome in any life sphere would ultimately involve reassessing pre-pandemic norms and setting up new reference points to make up for coronavirus disruptions. While some industries could afford at least a short timeout to readjust and refigure their practices, education was not the one to venture into delays and adjournments. No matter what level of training they worked at, educators were to provide an immediate response to the coronavirus-instigated realities. Designed as a case study, this paper provides an empirical account of developing and implementing a new type of university textbook meant to address issues of the emerging global learning environment, keep up with students’ and instructors’ demands in professional areas, and offer hands-on solutions to new format-induced challenges. The study focuses on the concept of the post-COVID university textbook meeting high standards of academic programs and complying with hybrid training models, examines relevant methodological approaches, and provides an analytical report on integrating a linguistic research textbook based on the novel approach into the training process at the Department of Linguistics and Translation Studies of Moscow City University. The proposed concept of the new type of university textbook designed to help students succeed in virtual and blended learning environments has a high application potential across subject areas and disciplines.
linguistic research; post-COVID research space; university textbook