ARPHA Proceedings 4: 971-983, doi: 10.3897/ap.e4.e0971
Foreign Language Textbook: On Actualizing a Learner-Centered Practice
expand article infoElena G. Tareva
Open Access
The paper represents the study of the ways of implementation of innovations into the system of foreign language teaching of university students. The most interesting issue is the innovative potential of a foreign language textbook. The authors give the arguments to prove the need to modify this means of teaching professional intercultural communication to ensure its individual, personal and competence orientation. The researchers analyze the main characteristics of modern textbooks on a foreign language, argue for the need to change their structure and content. The article gives the data of empirical survey of teachers’ attitude towards a modern textbook of a foreign language. Modern trends in education that require changes in the design of the textbook are as follows: informatization, digitalization, intercultural orientation of the educational process, focus on personal self-development and national self-identification of the students. It is necessary to specify the characteristics of an “open-type foreign language textbook”, its specific features. There is an attempt to distinguish the content and structural organization of the open textbook from traditional teaching materials.
open tape textbook; learner-centered approach