ARPHA Proceedings 4: 878-893, doi: 10.3897/ap.e4.e0878
Foreign Language Textbook for Teaching Atypical Students: Designing Didactic Materials
expand article infoGalina V. Sorokovykh, Natalia G. Pribylova, Svetlana G. Staritsyna
Open Access
The article considers the need to develop author’s didactic materials as applications to modern foreign language textbooks, which is associated with the difficulty of creating a universal textbook taking into account the specifics of the limitations of a schoolchild who has problems in socialization, learning, development and education. The article highlights the peculiarity of preparing a future foreign language teacher for designing didactic support for sections of a foreign language textbook within university elective courses. The leading methods to study the problem of designing didactic support for atypical students are: 1) theoretical methods: analysis of psychological, pedagogical, methodological works of foreign and Russian authors on the problem under review, comparison, generalization, design, modeling, interpretation of the information received; 2) empirical methods: observation, testing, questionnaires, conversation with students, research of future Bachelors of Education project results; 3) methods of mathematical statistics (Microsoft Office Excel 2010). The scientific novelty lies in the justification of the didactic functions of provision for atypical students, establishing theoretical basis for the model of designing didactic support based on the principle of personalized learning as a gradual transfer of a student to the position of self-learner. The practical significance of the study results presented in the article lies in the development of a model for the design of didactic support for atypical students, the allocation of a step-by-step algorithm for this process, the development of elective courses and modular disciplines, in the creation of a training manual “Teacher's readiness to develop Individual Educational Plan for schoolchildren”.
specialized skills, author’s didactic materials for textbooks