AbstractThe today need to professionalize the language training of specialists in various spheres of activity is obvious. However, when training future linguists (teachers, translators, intercultural communication specialists), this principle is manifested in a more in-depth study of language and speech phenomena. Yet, modern textbooks for linguists are seldom focused on the future profession. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the possibilities of thesaurus-style organization of educational material and its integration into the educational process, which could ensure the necessary level of professionalization of future linguists’ language training. A textbook for future teachers of a foreign language can serve a good example of that. The leading approaches to the study of the problem are integrated and empirical ones. The integrated approach allows us to take into account the context of professional training of specialists, based on interdisciplinary connections between language, linguistics, pedagogy and didactics. The empirical approach is justified by the fact that the recommendations formulated by the author of the paper rely on her practical experience in teaching a foreign language to various categories of linguists. The results of the study, presented as conclusions about the structure of a professionally oriented textbook for future linguists - foreign language teachers, its organization principles, the features of the selection and formulation of tasks, can be used in the creation of textbooks for future teachers of various foreign languages, as well as for specialists in other areas of professional activity.