ARPHA Proceedings 3: 2523-2531, doi: 10.3897/ap.2.e2523
The Profession of Teacher in Digital World
expand article infoElena G. Tareva, Boris V. Tarev
Open Access
Mankind has faced new challenges related to the development of the Internet era, and the formation of a digital society, digital (global) consciousness, a new axiosphere associated with the development of all forms of digitalization and networking. Due to the expansion of the information space to a state of unlimited, weak or impossible assessment of its reliability, there are risks of manipulating consciousness through the “soft power” of politics, art, and education. Such risks can be mitigated by education, which, during the period of widespread digitalization, must find answers to new challenges related to the education of a person in a network society. The article deals with the preparation of a new generation of teachers with new “digital” abilities, ready to overcome the challenges of our time. The empirical study addresses the issue of the range of digital teacher professions needed for life and work in the emerging Industry 4.0. The authors formulate the conditions under which the teacher’s readiness to implement digital technologies in educational practice can be achieved.
family Digital society; digital professions; pedagogical activity