AbstractThe timely character of the research depends on high pace processes, taking place in educational system, necessity of developing competencies among students. Teachers of higher educational institutions should possess a range of new skills and qualities. The aim of work is to find and classify new pedagogical competencies, which are formed under new conditions. That’s why the competency approach can be considered as a leading methodological foundation. Three groups of forming competencies are defined in the article. The first group is connected to the advanced training for high school teachers in terms of psychology, pedagogics, didactics, common and specific methods. It includes good command of methods and teaching techniques for different categories of students, usage of active and interactive forms of work. The second group is connected to the training on information and communication technologies and embraces skills in distance learning, creation of special web-sites, generation of academic audio- and video- materials, usage of online platforms. Finally, the third group consists of special professional competencies, also competencies in the spheres interconnected with its topical areas, which allow to form the cohesive outlook among students and teach them how to apply the acquired knowledge. Knowledge about genesis and development of competency notion also refer to this group. The practical importance of the obtained result is entailed in structuring the tasks of informal self-education and creation of an individual plan for the development of professional competencies among high school teachers.