ARPHA Proceedings 3: 1081-1092, doi: 10.3897/ap.2.e1081
Relationship of Economic and Educational Factors of the Educational Environment of the School with Indicators of the Psychological Well-being of the Teacher
expand article infoRezeda Khusainova
Open Access
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the psychological well-being of teachers from different learning environments. The purpose of the study is to examine the satisfaction with life those teachers’ who work in schools with a high economic or educational rating. The theoretical basis of the study was the work of Bredburn (1969) and Shiryaeva (2008). It has been established that teachers are equally satisfied with their lives, regardless of the rating of the school where they work. It was found that for teachers from schools with a high economic rating, the subjective value of professional activity is more significant than for teachers from schools with a high educational rating. The higher the indicators of such spheres as independence and physical well-being are, the higher the involved position of the teacher in solving problems in both studied groups.However, for teachers from schools with a high economic rating, social support, and personal convictions are also important. While for teachers from schools with a high educational rating, it is necessary to experience positive emotions and be able to study. The sense of mental stability and balance is interconnected with the psychological sphere in the group of teachers from schools with a high economic rate. At the same time, teachers from schools with a high educational rating have this relationship with all spheres of life - the physical sphere, the psychological sphere, the level of independence, social relationships, the environment, the spiritual sphere. Accordingly, the mental resistance of the teacher’s group from high educational rating schools to problems is possible in the condition of their overall psychological well-being.
psychological well-being, teacher, Quality of Life, educational environment, economic school rating, educational school rating.