ARPHA Proceedings 3: 851-864, doi: 10.3897/ap.2.e0851
Modern Techniques for Creating a Positive Family Institution Image in the Republic of Bashkortostan
expand article infoZulkhiza I. Islamova, Tatyana I. Politaeva, Irina G. Boronilova, Elena R. Mustaeva
Open Access
The relevance of the presented problems is due to the fact that nowadays the social policy priority directions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan in particular are strengthening the family institution, the formation of its positive image, maintaining the spiritual and moral traditions of family relations, family life and education. The purpose of the article is to develop modern techniques for creating a positive family institution image in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Based on the data of numerous studies, the authors presented the family institution current state in the region, as well as the experience analysis of the Republic, the leading trends in the field of family policy in the region. The article presents a theoretical analysis of the family institution image forming mechanisms, offers expert-analytical and axiological approaches to the search and implementation of opportunities and ways to improve the image and predict their effectiveness; it considers the leading directions of the University's activities on psychological and pedagogical support of the student family and childhood; it offers techniques for forming a positive family image. The research theoretical and methodological basis includes analytical and predictive as well as project methods. They allow us to consider this problem as a purposeful and organized process of forming a positive family institution image. There are psychological, pedagogical, methodological and technological materials in this article. It can be useful to scientists, teachers, managers in the field of family policy and pedagogy, social workers, as their activities are designed to ensure the preservation and development of family values and value orientations.
institution of the family, family image, family policy, family values, family axiosphere, national idea, family development