ARPHA Proceedings 3: 819-826, doi: 10.3897/ap.2.e0819
Methodological Support for Master's Theses on Legal Regulation of Educational Relations
expand article infoElena M. Ibragimova, Lilia T. Bakulina, Marat G. Ibragimov
Open Access
The article is devoted to the topic, the relevance of which is due to the existing contradiction in the system of master's training: between the objective need to form a methodological culture among graduates of the master's program, which allows them to design, implement and evaluate the results of research work competently and in accordance with the requirements, on the one hand, and their lack of readiness for methodological support of research activities, on the other hand. The purpose of the study: to identify and systematize typical shortcomings in the methodological support of master's studies on the legal regulation of educational relations. Research objectives: 1) to reveal the essence and content of the concept of "methodological support for master's research"; 2) to identify and systematize the main methodological characteristics of typical shortcomings of master's research on the legal regulation of educational relations. Research methods: theoretical methods were used in the work: analysis of master's studies on legal regulation of educational relations; study of scientific and pedagogical literature on the problem: systematization, generalization. The paper shows that despite the recent increase in the attention of researchers and experts to the methodology of pedagogical research, in the actual practice of master's theses, including on the problems of legal regulation of educational relations, there are still certain shortcomings in the methodological support of research of this kind. The contribution to pedagogical science is to identify and systematize typical shortcomings of master's studies on legal regulation of educational relations, concerning their methodological support (relevance, contradiction, problem, goal, hypothesis, tasks, etc.).
methodology, methodological support, master's thesis, legal regulation of educational relations