ARPHA Proceedings 3: 793-806, doi: 10.3897/ap.2.e0793
How to Evaluate Technology Subject Teachers
expand article infoAlena Hašková
Open Access
Becoming a good teacher is a matter of how a teacher works in practice, during which he or she gains experience and learns not only how to teach but how to teach well. The pre-service teacher training is only a beginning of this process. And even if a teacher acquires the ability to teach well, this ability cannot be considered as already definitely or completely developed and sufficient. One of the key factors supporting a teacher in his or her more or less lifelong effort to reach "excellence" in his or her professional career is teacher evaluation. As it was presented at the V International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE 2019, Constantine the Philosopher University was a solver of a national project Evaluation of Teachers Competences (2016 – 2019). The main goal of the project was to develop evaluation tools applicable to valuate quality and qualification of primary and secondary school teachers teaching performance. The set of the developed evaluation tools has been based on a stratified approach and has been assigned for all teachers, without any regard to their majors. In Slovakia one of the compulsory subjects taught at the lower level of secondary education is the subject Technology. A specificity of this subject is that its concept is based on practical activities of students, which should be practised in specially equipped classrooms (so-called school workrooms). With respect to this specificity Technology subject teachers should have, beside the "basic general” competences needed for a successful teacher`s performance of his or her profession (which are common for the successful performance of the teacher profession independently on the subject s/he teaches), also some other, specific competences connected with their ability to carry out educational activities in the environment of the school workrooms. From the above-mentioned results a question to which measure the developed evaluation tools are applicable in practice also for Technology subject teachers. To verify the applicability of the designed tools in relation to Technology subject teachers a case study was carried out. In the paper methodology and summary of the results of the carried out case study are presented.
evaluation of teachers, teachers’ professional competences, school subject technology, technology teachers