ARPHA Proceedings 3: 713-724, doi: 10.3897/ap.2.e0713
Digital Technologies in the Development of Open Education
expand article infoAleksandr V. Gluzman, Rena R. Timirgaleeva, Mark V. Pereverzev, Igor Yu. Grishin
Open Access
In the context of the heritage of S.P. Kapitsa examined the role of human capital in the digitalization of socio-economic life, revealed the challenges of modern society, due to the development of the digital economy, presented a matrix of digital education opportunities. The basic requirements of the information society, aimed at creating a modern educational space, called the “Lifelong Learning Society”, are revealed. It is noted that the use of educational information networks as a platform for hosting various educational disciplines, the creation of a unified information educational environment is an important trend in the education of the 21st century, the so-called open education. Digital technologies are described, aimed at transforming many types of economic and social activities, including in the field of vocational education. It was emphasized that the pace and success of digital transformation is largely determined by the availability of qualified personnel with a high level of digital competencies. Attention is drawn to the fact that open education broadens access to new information and determines the personal choice of forms and content of instruction; allows interested and creative teachers to post authoring courses on educational platforms; in the system of open education, the public desire for knowledge is realized due to the fact that they are in free, unlimited access. An algorithm has been developed for the formation of an intelligent educational navigator, which allows, in terms of training personnel for the digital economy, to quickly adjust an individual educational trajectory in accordance with the formation of necessary competencies among students. Recommendations are given on calculating the economic efficiency of introducing an intellectual model for the formation of an individual educational trajectory.
open education, information and communication technologies, individual educational path, digital educational resources, intellectual model