ARPHA Proceedings 3: 443-451, doi: 10.3897/ap.2.e0443
Using Digital Tools in Teaching Russian Language and Literature at School
expand article infoIrina N. Dobrotina
Open Access
The relevance of research is due to changes characterizing the modern educational space. High-quality education should be provided with the opportunity to build an individual route, relying on the experience of the subject, and access to digital tools. Using all the possibilities of digital space requires the ability to work with various resources, presented both in the usual "paper" and in the new digital format.In this regard, this article is aimed at research of studying the issues caused by insufficient research on the impact of Internet communications on personality development, the processes of education and training of students; determining the relationship between technological and ethical aspects of digital ownership; goals and forms of interaction of the teacher with the student in digitalization; technologies for organizing educational activities using digital tools; quality educational media content; designing a scientifically based teacher pedagogical support strategy.The article provides and analyzes specific examples of the use of digital tools in the lessons of the Russian language and literature in primary and high school, describes the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of interaction. Practical significance is determined by the focus on designing the experience of using digital tools by a language teacher. The study confirms the inefficiency of a complete rejection of traditional methodological resources in connection with the axiological component of Russian language and literature courses. The necessity of an integrated approach to the study of the problem together with specialists from other branches of pedagogical sciences is emphasized.The research methods are the conceptualization of concepts, the critical interpretation method, and the survey method.
digital tools in teaching, teacher training, teacher of Russian language and literature, language teacher, Russian language, Russian literature