ARPHA Proceedings 3: 171-182, doi: 10.3897/ap.2.e0171
Reflexive Game in the Work with Students from Post-conflict Regions
expand article infoKarine A. Babiyants, Olga V. Manuylova
Open Access
In modern psychological and pedagogical practice reflective and transformational games are actively used as preventive educational measures. We developed a reflexive game with the goal of creating conditions for individual development of the reflective potential of students in the process of interpersonal interaction, identifying cultural attitudes and minimizing mythological stereotypes, formation of ability to resist to psychological pressure and to critically assess any conflict situations.The aim of our study was to examine the influence of the reflexive games on the increase of the perceived ability of students to analyze the course of events in situations of an extremist nature.The main methods used were monitoring, testing, and statistical methods of processing of quantitative data.The study involved 32 students from the conflict region (Lugansk National Institute named by V. Dahl), 35 students from the border region (Southern Federal University), and 30 students from the post-conflict region (Chechen State Pedagogical University).In the study, it was discovered that a reflexive game allows to find the balance between awareness of the past, present, and future events; to promote reflexive thinking in the collective solution of tasks; to reduce the non-adaptive state of individual personality development and to increase social adaptability to such polarities as aggressiveness-anxiety, spontaneity-sensitivity, extraversion-introversion; to reduce the emotional anxiety in a situation of experiencing frustration.The studied patterns can be used in intercultural and integrative approaches by specialists of different levels working with students.
reflection, reflective game, extremism, students, frustration, conflict region, post-conflict region