ARPHA Proceedings 1: 1395-1409, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e1324
Speech Therapists and Parents Working Together to Support Pre-schoolchildren with Speech Pathologies
expand article infoMarianna A. Muratova, Gulnara V. Valliulina
Open Access
Problem of research: The modern parent is increasingly an active participant in the educational, correctional process, he is engaged in various discussions with speech therapists working with their child about the choice and application of productive correction methods. The parent is no longer excluded from the process of correction, but, on the contrary, he is in charge of overcoming disorders in children. Thus, the interaction of speech therapists and parents in the system of correctional and speech therapeutical assistance to children with different speech impairments of preschool age is relevant, since it requires revising and adjusting the methods of cooperation. Purpose: to show the features of the interaction of speech therapists and parents in the system of correctional and speech therapeutical help to children with various speech disorders of preschool age in the conditions of the modern correctional school. Methods: the work under study contains all the structural parts of a scientific experiment that reflects the qualitative assessment of the results obtained, which allows scrutinizing the various characteristics of the criteria studied. The present research also looks at the qualitative characteristics of organizational, methodological and other aspects of effective interaction between speech specialists and parents in the system of correctional and speech therapeutical assistance to children with various speech disorders of preschool age in educational establishments. Results: the article describes the identified difficulties in the interaction of speech therapists and parents in the system of correctional speech therapy for children. The current study revealed some difficulties in raising a child with various speech disorders in the family, as well as the preferred forms of communication. Conclusions and recommendations: organizational, methodological and other aspects of effective interaction of speech therapists and parents in the system of correction and speech therapy for children with various speech disorders of preschool age in an educational organization are revealed.
interaction, speech therapists and parents, children with speech disorders, preschoolers, correctional and speech therapy assistance, up-to-date.