ARPHA Proceedings 1: 1351-1359, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e1282
The Influence of the Gender Factor on the Quality of Education in the University
expand article infoRashida G. Gabdrakhmanova, Guzel I. Garnaeva, Leonid A. Nefediev, Ilnur B. Garipov
Open Access
Many factors influence the student's academic performance at the university. The purpose of our study is to determine the influence of the gender factor on student achievement in the university. The base of the research was the Institute of Physics of the Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University. With the help of correlation and structural analysis, the influence of the gender factor on student performance in the university was investigated. For a more convincing result in our study, the period of training of students from the first year to the third was singled out. According to the results of the study, we came to the conclusion that the gender factor has a negligible impact on the progress of students at the Institute of Physics. The materials of the article can be used by teachers of higher education in the organization of the educational process, as well as by researchers in organizing and conducting an experiment on their problem in the higher school educational organization.
gender equality, student, learning outcomes, correlation matrix