ARPHA Proceedings 1: 1343-1350, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e1274
Psychological Approaches Helping Migrant University Students Cope with Depressive Disorders
expand article infoAlla V. Frolova
Open Access
The relevance of this research problem relates to the fact that adaptation of migrants is recognized by the international community as one of the most important in the world. The migration process is one of the most difficult psychosocial situations. It is associated with the high risk of mental disorders beginning, stress causing and formation of deprivation, isolation, despair and suicidal intentions, this problem is actually scientifically proven. It should be noted that the adaptation of migrant students to the educational conditions of the University is an important stage of socialization. Their professional and personal development takes place in the multicultural educational space. In this regard, there is a need to create psychological technology that is aimed to diagnostics and adjustment to distress, contributing to overcoming negative experiences and successful adaptation of migrant-students. The purpose of the study was to develop a psychological technology aimed at adjusting and correcting depressive experiences of migrant-students. This technology is presented as a tool for increasing the effectiveness of their adaptation to difficult situations.
distress, migrant students, depression, deprivation, psychological approach, training, time perspective