ARPHA Proceedings 1: 1291-1297, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e1226
Study of the Relationship between Forecasting Strategies and Successful Socialization in Children with Speech Pathology
expand article infoTatiana V. Artemyeva
Open Access
The relevance of the research is determined by the need to study the psychological characteristics that contribute to the successful socialization of preschoolers with speech disorders. The development of the ability to predict is considered one of the key areas for the successful socialization in children. The aim of the research was to conduct an empirical study of the socialization success factors in preschoolers with speech disorders, to identify correlations between indicators of successful socialization and prediction skills in preschoolers with speech disorders. The research involved 139 children with speech disorders aged 5-7 years. We used methods of expert assessment of children’s behavior (Kazmin et al., "The scale of emotional distress and atypical behavior"); observation of children during organized and free activity (Samokhvalova); methods of studying communication and interaction with peers and adults (Semago’s "Emotional Faces", Veraksa); understanding of social norms and values by a preschooler (Bayanova "Determining cultural congruence of a younger schoolchild"); study of children’s prognostic activity (Peresleni, Podobed). In our empirical study, we have revealed difficulties in communication of children with speech disorders with their peers during free activity. Insularity of children with speech disorders, their high level of anxiety makes it difficult for them to adapt to new social conditions. Children using ineffective forms of "changing strategies" and "random strategies" predictions demonstrated maladaptive behavior. Children’s prediction strategies turned out to be closely related to such factors of cultural congruence as "obedience" and "security", with free and organized activity of children and regime moments. The research results will help to develop the programs for socio-psychological adaptation of preschoolers with speech disorders.
children; preschool age; speech disorders; forecasting; socialization