ARPHA Proceedings 1: 1243-1250, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e1181
Readiness for Self-study and a Temporary Perspective: Results of Cross-cultural Research of Youth in Russia and Japan
expand article infoEkaterina V. Zabelina, Svetlana Kurnosova, Anastasiya Y. Telitsyna
Open Access
Continuing education is one of the dominant educational trends, and therefore, the readiness for self-study becomes a universal discipline, necessary for the successful self-realization and professional development of the individual. According to global educational trends, there is a growing demand for self-study. In this regard, the question of which factors affect the willingness of students to implement it is extremely relevant. The role of the time perspective of the individual in the preparation of readiness for self-study activities is not clear. The study was conducted using a sample of students from regional Russian and Japanese universities. The results of the study: students from Russia and Japan demonstrate the same readiness for self-study. This fact is confirmed by the results of the comparison, using the nonparametric test, and the analysis of contingency tables. There were differences in the indicators of the time perspective of students, and the differences were specific in each sample. The results of the study confirm the hypothesis of the connection between the time perspective and readiness for self-study and describe the problem of the relationship between the level and severity of readiness, for self-study activities within the time perspective of each individual. The results allow the authors to design psychological and pedagogical conditions, which ensure the independence and confidence of students in their futures. The study contributes to the understanding of the factors influencing the formation of readiness for self-education. The results are discussed in the framework of the concept of self-educational activities in the global educational space.
self-study activity; temporal perspective; youth of Russia; youth of Japan