ARPHA Proceedings 1: 1181-1189, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e1122
Peculiarities of Educators’ Emotional Burnout in Preschool Educational Institutions Depending on the Length of Professional Experience
expand article infoTatyana P. Sharay
Open Access
The relevance of the issue is based on the transition of Russian pre-school educational system to new Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education. The standards are based on the ideas of humanization and socialization of educational process, implementation of the principles of individual-oriented upbringing and education of children. It places demands on the educator’s personal resources and it often results in emotional overloads and difficulties in educators’ psychological state and can lead to emotional burnout. The aim of this paper is to identify individual psychological peculiarities of educators that cause emotional burnout. The leading research method is psychological testing of educators in preschool educational institutions followed by mathematical processing of results. The article presents the results of investigation of the connection of emotional burnout with parameters of self-attitude, length of work experience and age. On the basis of the results there have been given recommendations on developing the programs of psychological prevention of emotional burnout in preschool educational institutions depending on the length of work experience.
emotional burnout; self-attitude; parameters of self-attitude; preschool educators; individual psychological peculiarities of preschool educator; length of professional experience