ARPHA Proceedings 1: 1131-1136, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e1074
The Competence-based Approach in Teaching Russian Language in the System of Modern Professional Education for Non-Philologist Students
expand article infoGuzel M. Nurullina, Irina Yu. Golovanova
Open Access
The article is devoted to one of the topical issues of modern pedagogical science - the competence approach in teaching the Russian language in the frame of modern professional education for non-philology students. The main competence, formed in the process of learning the Russian language is a communicative competence, which is aimed at the development of speech activity of students of non-philological specialties. According to the author of the study, the acquisition of professional communication skills, the use of speech influence techniques, and persuasion is a part and parcel of culture of a non-philologist specialist in the high-tech competitive world. In this regard, the purpose of this work is to create pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of the communicative competence of non-philology students at the university; the definition of pedagogical learning technologies to improve the culture of verbal communication of future specialists; identification of the professional orientation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge. The practical significance of the problem under study is to improve the quality of professional training of non-philology students; in determining the trajectory of the educational growth of a future highly qualified specialist who is able to reasonably choose language means in his professional activity, adequately implement his communicative intentions in various communication situations, follow the rules of Russian speech etiquette and non-verbal communication.
competence-based approach, vocational education, linguodidactics, non-philologist student, communicative competence, Russian language.