ARPHA Proceedings 1: 969-975, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e0921
Axiological Characteristics of Digitalized Education
expand article infoOxana V. Gordienko, Anastasiya A. Sokolova, Anastasiya A. Simonova
Open Access
The relevance of the problem of digital transformation of education is mainly connected with digital technologies and their focus on learning, however educational and development potential of this process and its axiological component are frequently ignored. If cultural and national values are continued to be disregarded, there is a risk of replacing them with a surrogate of a cultivated by the government model of a citizen. This article draws attention to the necessity of a purposeful formation of value beliefs and a national code in the process of digital transformation of the education system, of identifying and presenting the risks of this process, as well as means to solve possible problems. The following methods were used: analysis of academic sources on the issue, method of independent evaluations, monitoring, modelling. The main approach of the study is axiological.
digital transformation, axiological component of education, national identity, meaningful content of education, digitization of education