ARPHA Proceedings 1: 771-779, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e0545
Development of Research Skills of Future Bachelors of Pedagogics in Studying the Basic Academic Disciplines
expand article infoMaria L. Sazanova, Natalia I. Kadochnikova, Galina A. Popova
Open Access
The Currently, research-based teacher education is intensively developing. Educational and research activities of students are implemented in the framework of academic disciplines and involve the formation of students ' necessary primary research skills. The aim of this work was development of primary research skills of junior students. We have analyzed normative documents and the contents of the academic disciplines in the curriculum for the bachelor of pedagogics with two profiles of training. The systematization and generalization of the experience of the Department of biomedical disciplines of Vyatka State University have been carried out. In accordance with Federal state educational standards of higher education in the bachelor training program, the research competence is a professional teacher’s competence. However, the developers of the curriculums choose this competence only for certain academic disciplines, which are studied at the senior courses. There is a kind of two-year "gap" in the development of this competence. Subsequently, many senior students hardly master the methodology of writing term papers. Independent research activities are of both classroom and extracurricular organization. The research results are summarized in the form of essays, reports, presentations or abstracts at the final training conference. Thus, the introduction of research study elements into basic academic discipline develops the research competence of bachelors of Pedagogy.
research competence; research activity; student; health-preservation