ARPHA Proceedings 1: 761-769, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e0536
Bilingual Training of the Future Teacher in the Multicultural Educational Space
expand article infoElmira Sh. Salimzyanova
Open Access
The article is devoted to the disclosure of the essence and content of the concepts of ‘multicultural educational space’, ‘multicultural competence of the teacher’ and ‘bilingual training of the future teacher’. The relevance of the present issue is caused by the intensive development of integration processes in the world community, the formation of a single economic, informational, cultural, educational space, a multiple increase in migration flows, an increase in the level of interregional and international cooperation, the expansion of contacts of different cultures and languages. The aim of the article is to reveal the content and meaning of bilingual training of the future teacher in the multicultural educational space, as well as the criteria of its formation among graduates from the pedagogical direction of training. The leading method for studying this problem is modeling, which allows considering this problem as a process of purposeful and conscious mastering by future teachers of bilingual training in a multicultural educational space. The obtained results and conclusions open up new opportunities for further research of the conditions and directions of bilingual training of future teachers in the multicultural educational space.
bilingual training; bilingual education; multicultural education; multicultural competence of the teacher.