ARPHA Proceedings 1: 693-711, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e0488
Reflective Analysis of the Pedagogical Strategies of Teachers from Municipal and Private Kindergartens
expand article infoRezeda R. Popova
Open Access
The reflection on pedagogical strategies, based on the analysis of the development of a child in a certain environment, allows a teacher to define why, what and how he/she organizes his/her pedagogical activity (Bartlett, 1990; Hashweh, 2005; Shadrikov, & Kurginyan, 2015). The given study is aimed at describing the pedagogical strategies of teachers from the municipal and private kindergartens based on reflective analysis of the development of preschoolers aged 5-6. 126 children and 126 mothers attending different types of kindergartens were involved in the study. Data were collected through tests to diagnose the features of executive functions (EF) of preschoolers and their overall intellectual and emotional development. Mothers were questioned about the ability of a child to abide by the social rules. The reflective analysis allowed us to distinguish two types of pedagogical strategies that can lead to different developmental lines. Teachers from the municipal kindergartens support integration (within the culture as well as inner integration), whereas teachers from the private kindergartens support individualization (to be different from the other).
pedagogical strategy; reflection on; kindergarten environment; development; preschool age.