ARPHA Proceedings 1: 643-660, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e0448
Preparing Technology Teachers for Professional Activities in the Information Space of Technological Education
expand article infoGalina N. Nekrasova, Natalya N. Novikova
Open Access
Current digitalization of education calls for new approaches to teacher training. The study conducted in all Russian regions showed that there is an urgent need to develop a spe-cial training program for technology teachers that would equip them with an adequate in-formation and communications technology (ICT) competence. The new training program needs to be different from the programs developed for teachers of other subjects, since technology as a subject area has specific features with an emphasis on practice-oriented learning and the advanced use of ICT. The study is based on the scientific statements of Russian scientists (Akhmetov, 2008), (Bogatyrev, 2003), (Gotskaya & Zhuchkov, 2001), (Grinshkun, 2013). The majority of scientific works are devoted to the preparing teachers of computer science, mathematics and physics. The methodological foundations of technology teacher preparation is an urgent task. The purpose of the study is theoretical substation, creation and implementation of the methodological system, which prepare technology teachers for ICT use at their further pro-fessional activities. The study uses the modern methods of collecting and processing initial information, pedagogical modeling, experimental work, final diagnostics. The experimental work was carried out in 2008–2018. The participants of the pedagogical experiment were 850 technology teachers from 28 Russian regions, 620 students and 57 teachers from 15 universities in Russia, Ukraine and the USA. The result of the research is the system of methodological preparation of technology teachers, which has been tested at the domestic and foreign levels.
information space of technological education, professional activity of tech-nology teacher.