ARPHA Proceedings 1: 575-583, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e0401
Pedagogical Education in Russia: Current State, Experience, Outlook, Problems
expand article infoAlexey Vladimirovich Lubkov, Olga Alexandrovna Morozova
Open Access
The relevance of the study of modern problems of pedagogical education in Russia is related to a number of factors. They are social factor (a prevalent opinion about the benefit of communication in network formats that are built on horizontal connections while ignoring vertical. Such formats are associated with reflexive experiences of a person’s actions, elimination of borders due to their increasingly virtual nature and leveling responsibility for one’s communicative actions in the Internet environment), philosophical factor (postmodernist ideas about an individual’s imaginary freedom from the experience of the past, about a new technogenic man, not burdened with traditional views on life, values and morality) and economic factor (strengthening connections between education and services that divide training and education, reducing the purpose of education solely to transferring skills which detrimentally affects human and national qualities). In this regard, the purpose of this article is to identify and describe the current state and problems of pedagogical education in Russia, challenges that the modern technocratic society imposes on pedagogical education, prospects and vectors for its further development. The study employed the following methods: analysis of scientific sources, independent assessments, observation, and modeling.
pedagogical education; prospects of educational development; subject’s fundamental nature; system; practice-oriented approach; cultural and axiological components of education.