ARPHA Proceedings 1: 339-353, doi: 10.3897/ap.1.e0207
Cause and Effect Relations of the Competences Forming Process for Innovative Activity of Future Primary School Teachers
expand article infoStella G. Grigoryeva, Larisa G. Grigoryeva, Stanislav P. Russkov
Open Access
Today it is relevant to theoretically and experimentally substantiate the cause and effect relations in the context of forming competencies for innovative activity of all students, including future primary school teachers. The formation of professional competencies, in general and the formation of pedagogical competencies of future primary school teachers, in particular is a long path, which is influenced by many factors. Identification of these causes contributes to the proper organization of the educational environment and introduction of technology for the formation of professional competencies. Even Aristotle asserted that "science that studies causes is more capable to teach, because those who teach indicate the causes of each thing .... Arche and causes most of all deserve cognition, because through them and on their basis everything else is cognized, but not through what is subordinated to them". Our work, which opens up new horizons of research, presents new phenomena, relationships and patterns that previously remained uncovered in the professional training of future primary school teachers. The first stage of the experiment involved more than 250 university applicants and students from the Chuvash Republic and the Republic of Tatarstan. Modern pedagogical activity is characterized by active implementation of innovations at work. The introduction of innovations is always associated with the creative transformative activity of teachers, in other words with the implementation of acquired competencies at the university. In today’s reality, teachers actively respond to the challenges of sociocultural reality and, without rejecting existing educational traditions, they introduce fundamental innovations into education, training and development of students’ personality. Consequently, in the innovation processes, not only the pedagogical activity itself, the inherent in it means and mechanisms, but also its goals and value orientations are substantially restructured. The analysis of existing scientific and pedagogical research studies and an ascertaining experiment demonstrated that the contradictions existing in the education system determine the effect as causes - the goal: the need to have teachers in the modern education system with formed competences for innovation. It is here that cause and effect relations arise: the relationship between the goal, the means and the "education material", and the "product of education", which are a special, most complex form of determination. An important role here is played by all components forming competences for the innovative activity of primary school teachers. For example, once having arisen, the purpose of vocational training as a result itself becomes the basis of the activity of the educational system, as a law, defining the method and nature of activity of future teachers. However, the goal itself does not accidentally arise. The goal also has a causation of occurrence. On the other hand, the end result, the readiness of primary school teachers for the innovative activity, is also influenced by the "first cause" - the applicant’s choice of his or her future teaching profession, which at the same time acts as a consequence of the influence of many reasons and leads to the conclusion, namely the profession must be chosen due to dedication. The study proves that the given "first cause" has a direct impact on the process and levels of formation of readiness of future primary school teachers on the components of readiness for innovative activity, such as: motivational, technological, organizational, cognitive components. Consideration of the "first cause" in vocational education allows technologizing the preparation of future teachers for innovative activity, avoiding the reasons for the lack of mastery of academic disciplines and compulsory teaching materials; building correctly a personality-oriented trajectory of the professional development of each student.
cause; effect; relations; process; formation; competences; innovations; creativity; innovative activity; future teachers