Abstractof literature. First of all, the teacher must know his subject, be ready for constant self-education, be ready to acquire new knowledge and skills in his subject, to know the main stages of the development of Russian literature, to conduct a comparative analysis of the phenomena of Russian literature with the main directions of the development of literature of the peoples of Russia and the world literature as a whole. The aim of our study is to justify theoretically and devise methodologically a system of classroom studies with the use of interactive and digital technologies at university (Kazan Federal University). This allows us to develop professional habits and practical skills of future school teachers of Russian literature for the effective teaching of modern Russian literature at school. In our study use has been made of the following methods: theoretical (the study of literary, psychological and pedagogical research), as well as empirical (pedagogical experiment (ascertaining, transforming and control), generalization of our own pedagogical experience of work at school and University, observation, conversation and interviewing of 100 students, university and school teachers of the city of Kazan, etc.).
In the course of research the following results were obtained: methodic guidelines for the use of interactive and digital technologies in the classroom studies of historical, literary and pedagogical disciplines were theoretically devised and implemented into the practice of professional training of teachers of Russian literature at the University.
Let us consider different forms of classroom work on the example of studying the discipline "The ways of integrating the works of modern Russian literature into the practice of school teaching" for the students doing their master's course in "Philological education" at Kazan Federal University. In this article, the proposed method is demonstrated by the example of practical training on the work of modern Russian writer Valentin Rasputin.
The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that methodological recommendations and guidelines were proposed, theoretically justified and tested during our experimental work, in order to introduce interactive and digital technologies in the process of training future teachers of Russian literature. It is determined that the systematic use of interactive methods in the University practice of teaching historical, literary and pedagogical disciplines can effectively develop professional habits and skills of future school teachers of literature and also allows them to form critical thinking, creates a positive motivation in the implementation of their professional activities, develops communication skills and meta-subject skills that are necessary for the systematic use of interactive and digital technologies in their own teaching activities.
The results of the study can be used in preparation of programs and textbooks on the methodology of teaching literature at school and university, and the proposed system of practical training can be implemented in the practice of teaching modern literature at schools and universities.