ARPHA Proceedings 6: 107-110, doi: 10.3897/ap.e126748
VifAdept project: participatory research on grapevines to adapt wine production to climate change
expand article infoAgnès Destrac Irvine, Nathalie Ollat, Cornelis van Leeuwen
‡ Univ. Bordeaux, Villenave d’Ornon, France
Open Access
Vifadept is an on-farm data collection project. It has its origins in the VitAdapt (for Vitis Adaptation)  research project (Destrac-Irvine and van Leeuwen 2016), which provided the basis for creating a network of plots on which winegrowers participate in climate change adaptation by experimenting with new varieties in cooperation with researchers and the wine industry. 
grapevine, climate change, adaptation, new varieties